
Archive for February, 2016

Kesk Florida Eesti Seltsi (KFES) Eesti Vabariigi 98.a. Aastapäeva Tähistamine

Sel aastal Kesk Florida Eesti Selts tähistas Eesti Vabariigi 98. aastapäeva 20. veebruaril, 2016, Clearwater, Floridas. Nagu eelmistel aastatel toimus see ka sel aastal Countryside Country Club’is. Meil oli põnev ja tore kava külalistele!

Meie aukülaline oli eesti suursaatkonnast Ameerikas – lgp. pr. Marki Tihhonova-Kreek, suursaatkonna asetäitja.

Kõik võtsid osa meie programmist “Kas tunned maad, mis Peipsi rannalt käib Läänemere kaldale…” ja õppisime meie kallist kodumaad paremini tundma!

Kavas oli langenute mälestamine, loterii, eesti muusikat, ühislaule, ja maitsev lõunasöök. Saime kokku vanade ja uute sõpradega ilusas päikesepaistelises soojas Floridas!

Estonian Society of Central Florida Estonia’s 98th Independence Day Celebration

This year the Estonian Society of Central Florida commemorated the 98th anniversary of Estonia’s Independence Day on Saturday, February 20th, 2016, in Clearwater, FL. As in previous years, the event was held at the Countryside Country Club. We had a fun and interesting program to engage our guests! Our event began with champagne generously donated by Tõnu Toomepuu and a lunch enlivened with raffle drawings led by Marju Cabrera and Annika Karr and festive group singing led by exceptional accordionist Kaie Põhi Latterner.

After lunch, we began our formal program with a welcome from the president of the Estonian Society of Central Florida: Ms. Kersti Linask. Honoring the United States, we sang the Star Spangled Banner. Pastor Priit Rebane offered the invocation. Ms. Monika Orumaa Craig brought greetings from the Estonian American National Council (Eesti Rahvuskomitee Ühendriikides (ERKÜ)). In a special tribute in memoriam, Anneliis Kuusik and Kaie Põhi Latterner presented the poem Võõrsil (A. Grenzstein Piirikivi). Together we combined our voices in Laul langenud kangelastele (K.E. Sööt and J. Aavik).


Our honored guest speaker this year visited us from the Estonian Embassy in Washington D.C. – Mrs. Marki Tihhonova-Kreek, Deputy Chief of Mission. Mrs. Tihhonova-Kreek’s message was inspiring: Estonia must continue to be focused on matters of national security; the support of Estonians both at home and abroad is essential to Estonia’s continuing prosperity. To read greetings from Estonia’s Prime Minister on the occasion of Estonia’s 98th Independence Day, please visit this link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-vmg9Jn6mU&feature=youtu.behttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/iweun6dxhd5t3rr/AADuoKMTjCRLV0P0xDYC2MZ4a?dl=0 The singing of the Estonian national anthem concluded our formal program.

Then there was a surprise visit by the KFES talutütred, whose folkdance enchanted the audience with their spirited sharing of secrets and gossip. The dancers included Marju Cabrera, Triin Karr, Maare Kuuskvere, Anneliis Kuusik, Kersti Linask, and Lisa Mets. Kaie Põhi Latterner provided the music for the charming well-known Estonian folkdance.

More fun followed. All our guests took part in our program, “How well do you know Estonia? – Kas tunned maad, mis Peipsi rannalt käib Läänemere kaldale…” and we all learned more about our homeland. Every table represented a county or “maakond” in Estonia, with table decorations reflecting the county’s coat of arms, pictures and information. Ms. Geraldine Raja prepared the lovely floral arrangements.


To bring the festivities to an end, closing remarks were then given by Lisa A. Mets, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Estonia, St. Petersburg, Florida. The theme of her remarks was a tribute to Eesti as a “vabariik” (free country). In closing, Ms. Mets thanked Ms. Marki Tihhonova-Kreek, our guest speaker from the Estonian Embassy in the US; Arno and Evi Kallas from the Estonian National Association of South FLorida (LFEK), who drive annually from West Palm Beach to attend our celebration; and Ms. Kaie Põhi Latterner, the leader who organized our celebration, emceed the event, and provided our musical energy.

It was a great afternoon. On top of it all, we had lots of time to reminisce with old friends as well as to meet new ones here in warm, sunny Florida. If you plan to be in Florida in February 2017, please visit our website and accept our invitation to join us as we celebrate Estonia’s 99th Independence Day! If you are in Florida now, please continue to visit this website; we have activities planned in March and April before our summer hiatus.



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